Discipleship is about following Jesus. It is a journey that takes a lifetime to see through. Every moment is an opportunity to learn and grow. The journey is also a pathway that can be broken down into smaller steps. We are all at different points on the path, but always have next steps to take. At Green Valley, we take your growth very seriously. We want to do whatever we can to help one another grow deeper in Christ's love. Here are some ways to learn what your next steps might be.
The Pathway
Reach Beyonds
Ministry Partners
Ministry Projects
Next Step Online Survey Classes
Each of these online classes focuses on the different parts of the process and how they might look to you. Each features different tools to help you identify how God is at work in your life. They will feature different opportunities to grow in each area, and the chance for you to think about what your next step might be.
Have questions? Use this form to contact our Director of Discipleship, Craig Drurey.